Meet some

Whalez Water Club


Which one will you adopt?

Whales? Why whales?

Because they are important!

Whales play a vital role in the marine ecosystem where they help provide at least half of the oxygen you breathe, combat climate change, and sustain fish stocks.

Whales are at the top of the food chain and have an important role in the overall health of the marine environment. Whales play a significant role in capturing carbon from the atmosphere; each great whale sequesters an estimated 33 tons of CO2 on average, thus playing their part in the fight against climate change.

And Whalez Water Club?

Because they are amazing! With 5k unique whales, each with its own unique style, they are the most charming and extravagant collection in the oceans.

Adopt a whale!

Find the collection in OpenSea

We have exclusivity!

There is no identical whales. Each one has its own style and stuff. Choose the ones you like and adopt them.

These images are only examples. They are not real NFTs

We have rarities!

Some backgrounds, like fire and ice are rare! Likewise the aqua and gold whale color.

We have lots of stuff!

Hats, bandanas, caps, squirts, flowers, swords, radios, bracelets, jewelry, rings, barrels, beers, cigars, headphones, suitcases, french fries, sunglasses, laser eyes, surfboards, moustaches, angry faces, drinks, turtles, seahorses and much more.  Which one will you adopt?

These images are only examples. They are not real NFTs

Visit the official website
to more information about the project.

We will donate 5% to protect Whales

Conserving the environment, oceans is everyone’s obligation. With this in mind, we will donate 5% of the initial sales of NFTs to the Baleia Jubarte Project.

Project Roadmap

4Q 2021

Develop all collection stuff: whales, backgrounds, acessories, etc.


1Q 2022

Create 5k unique NFT collection. Create and deploy the contract.


2Q 2022

Mint, deploy and list collection in NFTs marketplaces.


Contact us

Presale time has ended.

Official release – save the date

May 1st, 2022


To see all available NFTs, please visit our page on OpenSea

Please, use the form to request resevation of your NFTs. You will receive an email informing about your order and when reservation has been completed. All NFTs requested will be reserved to the informed MetaMask address (Pay close attention to ensure that your wallet address is completely informed, starting with 0x…)


Only ETH 0.005 per NFT
Every NFT will be listed with a higher price: ETH 0.01 to 0.1

Target Wallet

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